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Well, it’s finally here. The Green Lantern trailer is online and it’s divided critics and fans. On the one hand, it hits just about every piece of the Green Lantern story and mythos you’d want it to, while providing plenty of aliens and extra-planetary settings. On the other hand, it focuses on cornball humor and the special effects look terrible. Luckily, those last two bits don’t necessarily apply to the final film. It’s not due out until the summer, so there’s plenty of post-production time left to fix the computer imagery. Remember how bad the CG was in the Avatar trailer? As for the humor and other cheesy elements of the trailer, that could just be the cut. I’m sure the studio wants to real in non-sci-fi/comics fans as well. Anyway, here’s hoping it gets better with time. I want so badly for this movie to be good.

Comments on: "GREEN LANTERN Trailer" (1)

  1. I dunno. The whole story is even less appealing to me now. I guess I’ll see it though if you pay my way.

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